Lowongan Kerja PT CIMB Sun Life -
CIMB Sun Life is a joint venture life insurance company between CIMB Group ,
PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk ( CIMB Niaga ) , and Sun Life Financial Inc. through Sun Life Indonesia Services ( SIS ) . Launched in July 2009 , CIMB Sun Life Assurance ijiwa provide a variety of products , accident and health , which are designed to meet the financial needs of customers in Indonesia.
CIMB Sun Life holds a unique position in the Indonesian market because of its ability to maximize the combined strength of the three parent companies - insurance and infrastructure expertise of Sun Life Financial and the power management and distribution of funds and CIMB Niaga CIMB Group . A year after the operation , PT CIMB Sun Life received the Best New Company of the Year 2010 from the International Business Awards Stevie Award - United States due to outstanding performance in all aspects of its business . In October 2013 , CIMB Sun Life received the award for The Most Reliable Life Insurance Company of Bisnis Indonesia . Award The Most Reliable Life Insurance Company awarded based on an assessment of annual financial statements published in a transparent , business growth and proven reliable by all the stakeholders ( stakeholders ) during the last 4-5 years.
Lowongan Kerja PT CIMB Sun Life
Due to facing fast business growth and expanding of business across Indonesia,
PT CIMB Sun Life are now seeking to recruit high caliber and dynamic individuals to join as following positions
Job Description
Memasarkan dan mengatur pemasaran produk-produk asuransi jiwa dari CIMB Sun Life kepada para nasabah CIMB Niaga di Indonesia.
Requirement :
- Minimal D3 dengan prestasi yang baik
- Muda dan energic dengan tingkat mobilitas tinggi
- Berpenampilan menarik dan mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
- Memiliki motivasi dan komitmen untuk sukses
- Menyukai tantangan dan ambisi untuk mencapai target
- Berpengalaman dalam dunia pemasaran akan menjadi nilai tambah
- Diutamakan berdomisili di Blitar dan sekitarnya
Read :
Lowongan Kerja PT Garudafood or
Lowongan Kerja PT AEON Indonesia
Segera kirimkan surat lamaran, Curriculum Vitae (CV), fotokopi KTP, pas foto 4X6 (berwarna), fotokopi ijazah pendidikan terakhir, dan fotokopi sertifikat pelatihan yang pernah Anda ikuti (bila ada) dengan mencantumkan posisi yang Anda minati, ke:
World Trade Center 5, Lantai 3
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 29
Jakarta 12920
That's the information from Kabar Lowongan Kerja Terbaru and good luck in
Lowongan Kerja PT CIMB Sun Life
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