Lowongan Kerja BP Indonesia September 2016

BP Global
Lowongan Kerja BP Indonesia - On the occasion of the re-share Lowongan Kerja BP Indonesia who previously had shared Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Mandiri can be used as reference. BP Indonesia is one of the most reliable and leading multinational companies in Indonesia with cumulative capital investment to date of over US$5 billion. BP Indonesia is a key subsidiary company of BP groups, one of the world largest energy company. The Company shares a rich history with Indonesia that reaches back over 45 years. BP Indonesia performing business in energy sectors, both in Upstream business and Downstream businessFor upstream, The Company supported by Tangguh LNG and VICO Indonesia. In its downstream business, BP Indonesia operates PT Castrol Indonesia, and PT Amoco Mitsui PTA Indonesia. Tangguh LNG is the first fully-vertically integrated LNG operation in Indonesia. In Tangguh LNG plant, BP Indonesia holds 37.16% participating interest (PI) with a total capacity of 7.6 million tonnes annually. Tangguh LNG plant producing gas from West Papua offshore and delivering LNG to customers around Asia and the US. 

Lowongan Kerja BP Indonesia

Due to facing fast business growth and expanding of business across Indonesia, BP Indonesia is looking for talented people and the best candidates to join as positions below:

BP Challenge Program

BP Indonesia need smart, talented people who want a career that matches their ambitions and rewards their efforts to fill these roles:
  1. Drilling Engineer
  2. Wells Completion Engineer
  3. Petroleum and  Reservoir Engineer         
  4. Corrosion and Materials Engineer            
  5. Electrical Engineer
  6. Instrument and Control Engineer            
  7. Mechanical Engineer
  8. Commissioning Engineer
  9. Process Engineer            
  10. Pipeline Engineer
  11. Geologist            
  12. Geophysicist     
  13. Petrophysicist  
  14. PSCM (Procurement &  Supply Chain Management)
For further information, please refer official source from CDC FT UI on following link below. To apply this job, please submit your application online : bp.com/grads/id. Apply before 30 March 2014. All applications are treated in confidence. Only qualified candidates that meet with the above requirements would be processed in this recruitment. (infokerja.net /  Source)

That's the information from Kabar Lowongan Kerja Terbaru and good luck on Lowongan Kerja BP Indonesia

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