Lowongan Kerja Bank Indonesia September 2016

Bank Indonesia
Lowongan Kerja Bank Indonesia - BI is the central bank of the Republic of Indonesia. BI was first established in 1953 as as a nationalization results of a Dutch bank dating from colonial times De Javasche Bank (Bank of Java). BI is an independent state institutions in Indonesia with a single objective to achieve and to maintain the stability of the Indonesian currency Rupiah. Bank Indonesia main tasks comprises of 3 (three) major fields, consist of Monetary, Payment System, and Banking. Bank Indonesia is based in Jakarta and its head quarter office is situated in Jl MH Thamrin 2 Jakarta. At present, BI has 37 branch offices spread in major cities across Indonesia. BI also supported by 4 overseas representative offices located in Singapore, Tokyo, London, and New York. Since May 2013, the Governor of Bank Indonesia is Agus Martowardjojo (formerly the finance minister). He is assisted by 1 Senior Deputy Governor, and 3 Deputy Governors.

Lowongan Kerja Bank Indonesia

To answer the challenges of the future, Bank Indonesia are now seeking to recruit high caliber Indonesian citizen to join Bank Indonesia Experience Hire 2014 for the position Manager (M) or Assistant Manager (AM) in favor of Bank Indonesia to become a credible central bank institutions and the best in the region.

Bidang Moneter
Peneliti Ekonomi
Assistant Manager
S1 Economics / Mathematics / Statistics / Computer Science
Bidang Sistem Pembayaran
Analis Sistem Pembayaran
Manager / Assistant Manager
S1 Informatics Engineering / Industrial Engineering / Computer
Engineering / Electrical Engineering
Pengawas Sistem Pembayaran
Manager / Assistant Manager
S1 Informatics Engineering / Computer Engineering
Analis Bahan Uang
Asisten Manager
S1 Chemical Engineering
Analis Sarana Operasional Kas
Asisten Manager
S1 Industrial Engineering / Mechanical Engineering / Electrical Engineering
Bidang Manajemen Intern
Analis Keuangan
Manager / Assistant Manager
S1 Information Management / Industrial Engineering / Information Systems / Informatics Engineering / Economics Accounting
Analis Sistem Informasi
Manager / Assistant Manager
S2 Information Systems / Informatics Engineering
Assistant Manager
S1 Computer Science / Informatics Engineering
Infrastructure Engineer
Assistant Manager
S1 Computer Science / Informatics Engineering / Computer Engineering

General Requirements
  • Indonesian Citizen (WNI)
  • Minimum S1/S2 with minimum GPA 3.00 (scale 4.00)
  • Maximum age as of 7 April 2014
    • 30 years old for Assistant Manager level
    • 40 years old for Manager level
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English with an english certificate (valid until 7 April 2014) : TOEFL IBT (minimum score 74) / IELTS (minimum score 5.5) / Institutional TOEFL (minimum 500)
  • Willing to undergo a bond and a bond release from other institutions
  • Does not have a sibling / husband / wife who works in Bank Indonesia
  • Willing to be placed in all offices of Bank Indonesia
Read : Lowongan Kerja Unilever Indonesia or Lowongan kerja PLN

For further information, please refer official source from Bank Indonesia on following link below. Candidates with qualifications as mentioned above, are welcome to apply for the position. Please register and submit your resume to bi.experd.com. Closing date 7 April 2014. All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process. (infokerja.web.id/ Source)

That's the information from Kabar Lowongan Kerja Terbaru and good luck in Lowongan Kerja Bank Indonesia

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