Lowongan Kerja Diponegoro University September 2016

Diponegoro University
Diponegoro University / sipil.undip.ac.id
Universitas Diponegoro - Undip or Diponegoro University is a top state university in Indonesia, situated in Semarang Central Java. Orignally registered as a private university in 1956 under the name of Semarang University. The name of Diponegoro University (Indonesian : Universitas Diponegoro) was launched in 1960. At present, UNDIP operates 11 faculties providing courses at the undergraduate, graduate and diploma levels. UNDIP owned 7 campuses, namely Pleburan Campus, Tembalang Campus, Gunung Blintik Campus, Kalisari Street Semarang Campus, Ade Irma Suryani Street Jepara Campus, Mlonggo Jepara Campus, and Teluk Awur Jepara Campus. UNDIP also supported by the education hospital under the name of Rumah Sakit Nasional Diponegoro (National Hospital Diponegoro). The Hospital will start operating next year (2014).

Lowongan Kerja Diponegoro University

Due to strengthen its team,, Universitas Diponegoro through Rumah Sakit Nasional Diponegoro (National Diponegoro Hospital) open the opportunity for the best Indonesian Citizen who have high integrity and commitment to join as following positions

 Lowongan Kerja Diponegoro University

For further information about jobs requirements in each positions above, please refer official source from Medical Faculty of Diponegoro University (FK UNDIP) on following link below. To apply, please register via online http://fk.undip.ac.id/penerimaan/. All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process. (Source)

That's the information from Kabar Lowongan Kerja Terbaru and good luck on Lowongan Kerja Diponegoro University

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