Yamaha Indonesia / |
Lowongan Kerja PT Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing
Due to facing fast business growth and expanding of business across Indonesia, PT Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing invites the best candidates to join as following positions below :
- Male / Female, S1 Accounting
- At least 2 years of experience in public accounting firm or 3 years in manufacturing company
- At least 2 years of experience in Public Tax Consultants
- Certified Brevet A & B
- Placement in Jakarta
- Male, S1 Industrial Engineering / Marketing Management
- Have an interest in developing a marketing strategy, after sales, and technical
- Have high analytical skills
- Placement in Jakarta & Cibitung
- Male, S1 Mechanical Engineering / Industrial
- Have an interest in the two wheels automotive
- Have the ability to technical drawing and CAD / CAM
- Not Color Blind
- Preferably have SIM C
- Placement in Jakarta
- Male / female, D3/S1 Accounting
- Fresh graduate or having experience working as an accounting staff or in KAP
- Placement in Jakarta
- Male, S1 Mechanical Engineering
- Have an interest in two-wheeled automotive technology
- Have high analytical skills
- Placement in Jakarta and Bandung
- Male, S1 Industrial Engineering
- Have an interest in the field of SCM & Warehousing
- Have high analytical skills
- Placement in Jakarta & Cibitung
- Female, D3/S1 Accounting / Administration / relevant
- Interested in the field of administration
- Thorough and Honest
- Placement in Jakarta
- Male, S1 Mechanical Engineering
- Familiar with technical drawing and Adobe Photoshop
- Have a strong passion in the two-wheeler automotive technology
- Have an interest in the preparation of a product manual book
- Have high analytical skills
- Placement in Jakarta
- Male, S1 Product Design / Graphic Design
- Have an interest in automotive motors & market research
- Not color blind
- Familiar with Adobe Photoshop, Acrobat
- Placement in Jakarta
- Female, D3 Communication / relevant
- Have good communication skills
- Customer satisfaction oriented
- Placement in Jakarta
General Requirements:
That's the information from Kabar Lowongan Kerja Terbaru and good luck in Lowongan Kerja PT Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing
- Maximum age of 26 years with a minimum GPA of 3:00
- Familiar with MS Office applications (Ms.Word, Ms.Excel and Power Point)
- Have a good command in English active orally and written
- Able to work well independently or team
- Has never participated in the recruitment process at PT YIMM
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