Lowongan Kerja PT Metro TV September 2016

Metro TV
Metro TV / wikipedia.org
Lowongan Kerja PT Media Televisi Indonesia – Metro TV is one amongst the leaders in free to air broadcasting television stations in Indonesia. The station is the pioneer in segmented broadcasting television station in Indonesia with news sector as its main subjects. Metro TV also recognized as the first 24-hour news channel in Indonesia. In 1999, the Station was granted a broadcasting licence and started its on air in 2000. PT Media Televisi Indonesia is an integral part of Media Group, one of the largest media holding companies in Indonesia owned by tycoon and politician Surya Paloh. Metro TV is based in West Jakarta and has over 53 transmission sites all over the country. Metro TV also supported by approximately 1,200 dedicated staff, mostly in the newsroom and production areas.

Lowongan Kerja PT Metro TV

To support its progressive growth and maximize the organizational capability, PT Media Televisi Indonesia is looking the best Indonesian young people who interested in broadcasting industry to join as following position below :

PDP - Production Development Program
(Development Program for News Production & Creative)

  • Bachelor degree from Broadcasting with GPA min 3.00
  • Max age 25 years old
  • TOEFL Score Min. 475
  • Have strong interest in: Scriptwriting/ Directing/ Production/ Videography/ Art Directing/ Sound Design/ Editing
  • Good team player, Achievement orientation
  • Energetic and willing to work in flexible long hours
  • Good interpersonal and communication skill; Willing to follow a working bound (Ikatan Dinas)
JDP – Journalist Development Program
(Development Program for News Reporter & Presenter)

  • Bachelor degree from any major with GPA min 3.00
  • Max 26 years old
  • TOEFL Min. 525
  • Have strong interest in Broadcast Industry
  • Good Team Player, Achievement Orientation
  • Energetic and Willing to Work in Flexible Long Hours
  • Good interpersonal and Communication Skill
  • Willing to follow a working bound (ikatan dinas)
  • Camera Face, broadcast voice & Interested in Journalistic
TDP – Technical Development Program
(Development Program for Technical Department)

  • Min D3 Broadcasting with GPA min 3.00
  • TOEFL Min. 475
  • Max. 24 years old
  • Energetic and Willing to Work in Flexible Long Hours
  • Good interpersonal and Communication Skill
  • Willing to follow a working bound (ikatan dinas)
  • Live in Aceh/Medan/ Makassar/Palembang/Bandung
GRADP – Graphic Design Development Program

  • Min. Diploma Degree from Graphic Design or DKV, with GPA min 3.00
  • Max age 24 years old
  • Have strong interest in Design / Motion Graphics, and the new trend/technology
  • Creative, dynamic and smart
  • TOEFL Score min. 475
  • Willing to follow a working bound (ikatan dinas)
For further information about this program, please refer official source from Metro TV on following link below. For those who are interested and posses the above required qualifications, please send your CV, application letter and recent photograph to email: recruitment@metrotvnews.com (Write the position code as the subject of your email) or fulfill your resume career.metrotvnews.com. Only qualified candidates that meet with the above requirements would be processed in this recruitment. (Infokerja.net / Source)

That's the information from Kabar Lowongan Kerja Terbaru and good luck on Lowongan Kerja PT Metro TV

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