Lowongan Kerja Dexa Group September 2016

Lowongan Kerja Dexa Group - Dexa Group has grown from a small company that was founded in 1969, became one of the greatest ethical pharmaceutical companies in Indonesia at the beginning of the 21st century. And has now become a leading company in the pharmaceutical market of domestic organizations. Providing better health care by applying expertise as a foundation established by the founder of the company. Honesty, trust, dedication and commitment to providing ethical and OTC products with the highest quality continue to be maintained. Dexa Group Supported by a team of professional, management and human resources have the competence, Dexa Medica has developed a spirit of mutual respect, cooperation and innovation, more than four decades. As good company, one of our responsibility to become strategic assets in Indonesia is one of our hopes. Historically, Dexa Medica has been working with government agencies and Pharmaceutical Companies Combined Indonesia to adhere to and improve industry standards.

Lowongan Kerja Dexa Group

Due to facing fast business growth and expanding of business across Indonesia, Dexa Group have following positions to offer for the right person that can grow together as

Medical Representative (MR)
Product Specialist (PS)
Sales  Representative (SR)
Event Promotion Officer (EPO)
Sales Officer (SO)
Sales Promotion Officer (SPO)
Salesman (SLM)

  • Pendidikan minimal D3 semua jurusan, usia maksimal 30 tahun
  • Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di posisi yang sama di perusahaan farmasi
  • Memiliki kemampuan presentasi yang baik
  • Komunikatif & persuasif, memiliki jaringan relasi yang luas dengan pihak Rumah Sakit & Dokter
  • Mampu bekerja secara mandiri maupun dalam team, pekerja keras & mampu bekerja dengan target
  • Memiliki Motor & SIM C
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia


Hari/tanggal: Kamis, 10 April 2014
Waktu: pk.09.00 - selesai
Format SMS: WIN YOGYA_Nama_Jabatan saat ini_Perusahaan saat ini

Read :

Lowongan Kerja Holding Company
Lowongan Kerja PT Trihamas Finance

(Bagi yang sudah pernah tes tidak perlu datang kembali, harap tunggu panggilan berikutnya via telepon)

Pelamar diharap membawa:

  • CV dan Surat Lamaran
  • Fotokopi KTP dan SIM C
  • Fotokopi Ijasah dan Transkrip Nilai
  • Foto berwarna terbaru ukuran 4x6 1 lembar
  • Fotokopi Surat Rekomendasi dari perusahaan sebelumnya (jika ada)

Untuk konfirmasi kedatangan harap kirimkan SMS ke: 08119201010 dengan format SMS di atas.

Informasi lebih lanjut LIKE facebook.com/recruitfarmasi dan FOLLOW twitter@recruitfarmasi

That's the information from Kabar Lowongan Kerja Terbaru and good luck in Lowongan Kerja Dexa Group

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